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Moses Otieno – Enlarged Adenoid


Country: Kenya
City: Nairobi
Personal details
Name: Moses Otieno
Birthplace: Nairobi
Birthdate: 05.06.2011

Social Situation:

Moses is the only child of Lucy. Without a father the family income is very low, especially since his mother has to go for low paid casual work as maid or laundress.

Often a meal once a day …

Medical Problem:

Little Moses suffers from enlarged adenoids, which not only impede his breathing but are also associated with increased infections of the upper airways is. Lucy now presented her son to Dotty, our hard-working nurse in Nairobi and asked for help.

This is possible for the equivalent of € 200. Moses’ polyps can be surgically removed and his recurrent infections and his nights characterized by sleeping disturbances will come to an end.

Thank you very much!

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