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Helen suffers from Lymphoma


Country: Kenya
City: Nairobi
Personal details
Name: Helen Kwamboka
Birth location: Kisumu – Kenya
Age: 19 years


Odd job (e.g. laundress, cleaner), no stable income

Social situation:

Single mother, after her husband abandoned her because of her disease.
She lives with her cousin in the notorious slum area of Kibera in Nairobi under very poor conditions without running water and electricity. The monthly income amounts to about 50,- €.

Medical Problem:

Since 2006 Helen has visited many doctors because she is suffering from a swelling on her neck. A diagnosis could not be found so far. A first operation to remove the tumor was conducted in Kisii General Hospital in North West Kenya.
Despite the first removal the tumor relapsed. Further expensive hospital admissions followed but without significant success or recovery. In December 2012 a biopsy was taken. Helen didn’t receive the result so far due to lack of money.

Our assumption is that the tumor is malignant. We would like to initiate adequate therapy ASAP – for that we need your support now.

Thank you very much!

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