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Baby Prurity hat ein Loch in der Herzkammer und die Zeit drängt


Land: Kenia
Stadt: Nairobi
Zur Person
Name: Prurity
Geburtsort: Nairobi
Geboren am: 08.04.2014

Soziale Situation:

Diesmal wieder die Original-Mail von unserer Krankenschwester Dottie in Nairobi:

Dear friends,

Baby Purity was born on 8.4.2014 at a Major Hospital in the Eastern of the outskirts of Nairobi. She was born normally at 3kgs. The child is reported to have been taken for Antenatal clinic, then she weighed 3.4kgs. They live in Mathare slums.

She was discovered to have poor growth milestones, since at 10 weeks she weighed 3.5 kgs and 3.2 kgs at 14 weeks respectively. The mother was then referred to seek further nutritional attention, so she went to the Nairobi District Hospital and presented with high fever hence diagnosed with pneumonia. The baby was not getting better and in a few weeks later she presented with the same and x-rays revealed she had a problem with her heart thus congenital Heart disease.

Baby Purity was then referred to Kenyatta National Hospital for further management but again was referred to the Mater Hospital where she urgently needs a Heart surgery, because she has a hole in the heart. The baby also has down syndrome and failure to thrive.
She has been exposed to Lasix, Aldactone, Digoxin, Ranferon and pure-calcium which she gets once in a while when the mother has money.
An Echocardiographic report done on the 20.11.2014 conclusively revealed: Large  perimembranous VSD and severe PHA, hope, my friends, you can expound on that.
She is so sweet hope she can pull through.

Thanks, Dottie

Medizinische Daten:

Es handelt sich also um einen Loch in der Herzkammer (sog. Venrikel-Septumdefekt) und massiv erhöhtem Blutdruck im Lungenkreislauf. Hier müssen wir uns beeilen, um einen plötzlichen Herztod der kleinen Prurity zu verhindern!

Dem Wunsch von Dottie schließt sich TULISA mit der Bitte um Ihre Unterstützung von Herzen an!

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